Day after day, week after week, Intelligent Automation is getting more powerful, supporting clients, patients, employees, companies, and making our world more human. Each week, I’ll share the content I’m reading that celebrates the latest and most significant advancements in these fields.
How Intelligent Automation Could Help Avoid Trillions In Losses Per Year
There are three categories of financial losses that intelligent automation could help prevent: fraud, error, and work-related accidents and illnesses.
Father builds exoskeleton to help wheelchair-bound son walk
PARIS – “Robot, stand up” – Oscar Constanza, 16, gives the order and slowly but surely a large frame strapped to his body lifts him up and he starts walking.
Hundreds of AI tools have been built to catch COVID-19. None of them helped.
Some artificial intelligence tools have been used in hospitals, despite not being properly tested. But the pandemic could help make medical AI better.
How To Maximize Social Media Artificial Intelligence To Drive Sales
Brands that aren’t already adopting AI technology for social media are losing more revenue than they can imagine and losing more customers to their competition.
Connective issue: AI learns by doing more with less
Sparsity and energy constraints guide learning and communications in silicon neuronal networks.
Other great cognitive automation reads:
This robot uses artificial intelligence to help humans recycle more efficiently and reliably. It is called Max-AI, invented by Bulk Handling Systems, it uses multi-layered neural networks and a vision system that identifies and sorts recyclables.
Playing the tower defense game using Augmented Reality, leveraging multiple objects recognition.
Vehicle Action Prediction, using #AI to save 8,000 lives per year - This new method can predict driver actions up to 2 seconds ahead, which is an adequate amount of time for drivers to react in emergency situations.
Want to listen instead?
Cognitive Automation Summit 2021 Pioneers of Cognitive Automation Panel: Top thought leaders in the field of cognitive automation discuss the evolution of the technology and what it means for the future of decisions.
Check out last week's "What To Read".
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