This Week In Cognitive Automation: CA Success & Responsible Use of AI

This Week In Cognitive Automation: CA Success & Responsible Use of AI

Find out the four essential skills every AI product owner needs, and building accountability in your artificial intelligence.

Day after day, week after week, Intelligent Automation is getting more powerful, supporting clients, patients, employees, companies, and making our world more human. Each week, I’ll share the content I’m reading that celebrates the latest and most significant advancements in these fields.

Announcing AI21 Studio and Jurassic-1 Language Models

AI21 Labs’ new developer platform offers instant access to the 178B-parameter language model, to help you build sophisticated text-based AI applications at scale.

How To Succeed In Your Cognitive Automation Transformation

The four main components to cognitive automation success are project launch, project prep, project scaling, and management.

Four Skills Every Successful AI Product Owner Should Possess

Here are four skills that are essential for any AI product owner.

Artificial Intelligence Helped Write This Play. It May Contain Racism

In a rehearsal room at London’s Young Vic theater last week, three dramatists were arguing with artificial intelligence about how to write a play.

How AI-powered tech landed man in jail with scant evidence

Michael Williams’ wife pleaded with him to remember their fishing trips with the grandchildren, how he used to braid her hair, anything to jar him back to his world outside the concrete walls of Cook County Jail.

How to Build Accountability into Your AI

It’s not easy to know how to manage and deploy AI systems responsibly today. But the U.S. Government Accountability Office has recently developed the federal government’s first framework to help assure accountability and responsible use of AI systems. It defines the basic conditions for accountability throughout the entire AI life cycle — from design and development to deployment and monitoring — and lays out specific questions for leaders and organizations to ask, and the audit procedures to use, when assessing AI systems.

Other great cognitive automation reads:

This amazing drowning detection AI is combining machine learning and computer vision to detect drowning people in real time. Another meaningful use of AI, developed by Rodman Louis.

Impressive real-time interaction and immersion with holograms using HoloLens by Oscar Saladin: hold, push, throw and catch the cubes with your hand.

Here is a new amazing video, just released by Boston Dynamics, pushing the robot Atlas to its limits, discovering the next generation of mobility, perception, and athletic intelligence.

Want to listen instead?

8 Elements Required for Autonomous Supply Chain Planning: Niels Van Hove explains how to achieve "lights out" or autonomous supply chain planning.

Check out last week's "What To Read".

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